Istanbul, Turkey
Short Wave Youth Center ( is founded under Istanbul Bilgi University’s Youth Studies Unit in December 2007. Currently 200 young people between the ages of 15 – 20 are in contact with the Center participating to the workshops, activities, performances and other forms of learning opportunities. There are two reasons why such a local youth center exists within the Unit, first to implement innovativ youth work implications with the young people living in the near neighbourhood of Eyup, and second to provide mutual learning opportunities with the other stakeholder working in center based local youth work in Turkey.
Kult-turkáló Egyesület
(informal group)
Budapest, Hungary
(informal group)
throughout Germany
EuroPeers are young people who have participated in the YOUTH IN ACTION programme and want to share their European experiences with their peers. They inform young people in schools, youth clubs, culture centres or on the street and talk about their experiences. They inform about the YOUTH IN ACTION programme and its possibilities as well as other mobility programmes. By leading workshops or lessons and by organizing exhibitions, they motivate young people to become active and explore Europe.
There are about 180 EuroPeers in this growing network and the EuroPeers-project has become an example for Best Practice for the European Commission.
Jugendbildungsstätte Berchum - Kurt-Gerstein-Haus
Hagen/Westfalen, Germany
Die Jugendbildungsstätte in Berchum im Ruhrgebiet bot ideale Räumlichkeiten und Rahmenbedingungen, um in einer Gruppe von 30 jungen Leuten gemeinsam Workshops durchzuführen. Außerdem ließen sich von Berchum aus Ausflüge nach Essen organisieren, wie die Besichtigung der Zeche Zollverein und der Ausflug zum Kinder- und Jugendzentrum ZACK. So hatten die Jugendlichen auch die Gelegenheit, das Ruhrgebiet partiell kennenzulernen.
There are about 180 EuroPeers in this growing network and the EuroPeers-project has become an example for Best Practice for the European Commission.
Jugendbildungsstätte Berchum - Kurt-Gerstein-Haus
Hagen/Westfalen, Germany
Die Jugendbildungsstätte in Berchum im Ruhrgebiet bot ideale Räumlichkeiten und Rahmenbedingungen, um in einer Gruppe von 30 jungen Leuten gemeinsam Workshops durchzuführen. Außerdem ließen sich von Berchum aus Ausflüge nach Essen organisieren, wie die Besichtigung der Zeche Zollverein und der Ausflug zum Kinder- und Jugendzentrum ZACK. So hatten die Jugendlichen auch die Gelegenheit, das Ruhrgebiet partiell kennenzulernen.